How to Disable the Windows Key on Windows 10

How to Disable the Windows Key on Windows 10

Last Updated on by Daniel Lawrence

This article explains the three most ideal approaches to disable the Windows key in Windows 10 systems. There are different strategies, yet these work for everybody and give changing degrees of control regardless of your experience level.

Run winkill to Disable the Windows Keys

The Windows key pulls up the Start menu, and when squeezed with different keys, it can trigger different Windows-related easy routes. In the event that you end up coincidentally doing this while gaming, watching videos, and so forth, you can keep away from this interruption by basically incapacitating the key.

One approach to do this is by running a little, convenient program to handicap Windows keys in a flash. Empowering them again is just about as basic as squeezing one button, implying that you can switch between enabling and disabling mode whenever (no reboot required, similar to different strategies underneath).

  • Download winkill and extricate the substance from the ZIP document.
  • Execute WinKill.exe from the folder. In case you’re approached to affirm, select Run.
  • The two Windows keys are immediately crippled as a matter of course. To empower them or rapidly switch on and off, right-click the program’s symbol in the warning region (close to the clock) and choose Toggle. You can likewise double-tap the symbol.

Pick Which Windows Key to Disable With SharpKeys

    Another free program takes care of business, too. Go to this course in the event that you need a command over which key gets disabled.

    • Introduce SharpKeys. There’s additionally a ZIP variant on the download page on the off chance that you’d like to utilize it without introducing anything.
    • Select Add.
    • Choose Special: Left Windows (E0_5B) from the left section, guarantee that Turn Key Off (00_00) is chosen in the correct segment, and select OK.
    • To disable the correct Windows key, rehash these last two stages for Special: Right Windows (E0_5C).
    • Choose Write to Registry, and afterward select OK on the affirmation box.
    • Restart your computer or sign out to apply the changes.
    • On the off chance that you need the way to be usable once more, open SharpKeys, select the key from the rundown, decide to Delete at the base, and afterward complete similar last two stages from a higher place.

    Edit the Registry to Disable the Windows Key

    Not keen on having a program do it for you? You can roll out the improvement yourself physically by making another passage in the registry and giving it an unmistakable worth. Editing the registry is simple, regardless of whether you’re new to it. Simply make certain to follow these steps exactly as you see them, with no exemptions. This technique cripples the two Windows keys.

    • Open Registry Editor. A fast method to arrive is to look for regedit in the Start menu.
    • Back up the vault. While not really needed for this assignment, backing up guarantees that a simple registry restore can fix changes if something startling occurs during the edit.
    • Explore here utilizing the folder on the left:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

    • With Keyboard Layout selected, right-click the clear region on the right and go to New > Binary Value.
    • Name it Scancode Map.
    • Double-tap that recently made thing and types this (gluing will not work):

    00 03 00 5B E0 00 5C E0 00

    • Try not to utilize spaces, and don’t stress over the main numbers in the left section; they’ll change naturally as you type.
    • Select OK after affirming that the qualities are right.
    • Close Registry Editor and close down or restart to apply the changes.

    To fix this, total Step 3 and remove Scancode Map by right-clicking it and choosing Delete. On the other hand, rename it—anything will do, like Scancode Map OLD—to turn on the keys. Renaming it makes it simple to get back to the principal name later in the event that you need to obstruct them once more.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Simplekey disable?

    Straightforward Keytweak is an intriguing application that allows you to incapacitate the capacity of any key on your PC keyboard, or even actuate a lasting ‘Num Lock,’ ‘Covers Lock,’ or ‘Parchment Lock.

    Is key tweak safe?

    Indeed, Keytweak is totally protected to download, introduce, and use. There is no malware in the actual application.

    How do I install a KeyTweak?

    To begin with, download KeyTweak, a little, simple to-utilize console remapper. Run the establishment exe and afterward go to the beginning menu, all projects, and run Key Tweak. The KeyTweak window will show a picture of the keyboard. Select the key you wish to remap (as you float over it KeyTweak will uncover its present planning).