How to Add Friends on Your Apple Watch

How to Add Friends on Your Apple Watch

Last Updated on by Daniel Lawrence

This article discloses how to include companions and contacts in your Apple watch and change how they display in watchOS 7 and other versions. It additionally contains data on adding friends to the Activity application for sharing your fitness activities.

Add Friends and Contacts to Your Apple Watch

How to Add Friends on Your Apple Watch

The Apple Watch consequently syncs with your present iPhone contacts when you set up and pair the gadgets, and every one of your contacts is then accessible on your wrist.

Regardless of whether you need to share Activity rings, start a rivalry, let your mentor access your exercises, send messages, or impart through the Walkie-Talkie include, adding companions to your Apple Watch contacts makes a community on your wrist.

Here’s the way to alter how your contacts show up on your Apple Watch.

  • Open the Watch application on your iPhone and select My Watch.
  • Look down and select Contacts.
  • By default, Mirror my iPhone is chosen. Tap Custom to modify how your contacts display on your Apple Watch.
  • Tap Sort Order to change how your contacts are arranged. Tap First, Last, or Last, First.
  • Tap Display Order to change how your contacts are shown. Tap First, Last, or Last, First.
  • Tap Short Name to list your contacts all the more proficiently. Look over the accessible alternatives, or switch on Prefer Nicknames to consistently use epithets when accessible.

Share Your Activity and Compete With Friends

Past contacts, add companions to your Apple Watch by offering your fitness movement to them.

  • Open the Fitness application on your iPhone and tap the Sharing tab. (In case you’re utilizing a more established iOS form, this application is called Activity.)
  • Tap the add contact icon on the upper right. (In the event that this is the first occasion when you’re utilizing the application, you’ll tap Get Started first.)
  • Tap the plus sign to welcome a companion with whom you need to share a movement.
  • Type a name or telephone number into the To: box or select from a rundown of recommended companions.
  • Tap to pick a companion and afterward select Send. (Tap the plus sign to add more contacts. Amount to 40 companions to Activity sharing.)
  • After the contact acknowledges the greeting, you’ll see their name under Sharing Within the Fitness application. You’ll both get warnings about one another’s advancement.

Note: On the off chance that you get an Activity-sharing greeting from a companion, it will show up on your Apple Watch. Choose Accept or Ignore.

Add Your Friends to the Walkie-Talkie App

The Walkie-Talkie application on Apple Watch allows you quickly to argue and forward with a companion, straightforwardly from your watch.

  • On your Apple Watch, dispatch the Walkie-Talkie application.
  • Look down and tap Add Friends.
  • Select a contact with whom you need to utilize the Walkie-Talkie application. A greeting will be sent.
  • A welcomed contact will stay dark until they acknowledge. When they acknowledge, it will become yellow, and you’ll have the option to utilize this component.

Frequently asked questions

Why is my apple watch not sharing my activity with friends?

On the off chance that you matched more than one Apple Watch to your iPhone, the Sharing tab will not show up in Activity until you update every one of your watches to the most recent adaptation of watchOS. Sign out of iCloud on your iPhone, then, at that point sign back in: On iOS 10.2 or prior, return to Settings > iCloud, then, at that point enter your Apple ID and secret phrase.

How can you tell if someone is hiding their activity on Apple Watch?

No, she will not get a warning that you’ve concealed your movement from her and the possible way she’ll discover is in the event that she goes to the “sharing” tab on her action application (on the Watch/iPhone) and it’ll show that you’re as of now concealing your action from her.